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Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday – Unlock The Truth!

Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Cartons” scam claiming to celebrate Marlboro’s 110th birthday. Don’t be fooled. This offer is a deceptive ploy. Scammers lure Facebook users with false promises of free cigarettes, leading to phishing sites seeking personal information. 

Stay vigilant, and don’t compromise your online safety for a dubious giveaway that’s too good to be true.

Table of Contents

Unmasking The Deceptive Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday:

The Truth Behind the “Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday” Claim:

Facebook users are being targeted by a cunning online survey scam falsely suggesting that Marlboro is generously distributing 2 free cartons of cigarettes to commemorate their 110th birthday. However, this claim is entirely baseless, and users should exercise caution to avoid falling victim to this deceptive ploy.

Understand The Scam’s Tactics About Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday:

The scam operates by enticing users to share a deceptive webpage with their friends under the false promise of receiving 2 complimentary cartons of Marlboro cigarettes. Contrary to the claim, Marlboro is not associated with this offer. Instead, the shared webpage redirects users to third-party survey-scam websites with the primary aim of phishing personal information for various exploitative purposes.

Risks Associated with the Spam “Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday”:

This scam poses multiple risks to unsuspecting users. First and foremost, scammers seek to extract personal information, which can be utilized for nefarious purposes. Additionally, the scam may compromise Facebook accounts, obtaining login details such as passwords and email addresses. 

Subsequently, scammers might misuse compromised accounts to post content and send messages on behalf of the user. The scam could also attempt to install rogue Facebook apps, gaining control over the compromised account.

Identifying the Scam in Action:

Suppose you come across friends sharing the deceptive “Marlboro is Giving FREE Carton of Cigarettes to celebrate 100th Anniversary” webpage on Facebook. In that case, it’s crucial to alert them immediately about the potential compromise of their accounts and the insecurity of their personal information.

Taking Action if You’ve Fallen Victim:

If you’ve unwittingly fallen victim to this scam, take the following steps to safeguard your online presence:

  • Change your Facebook password promptly. Navigate to Settings, select the general section, and choose the option to change your password. If prompted, log out of your account in other locations.
  • Remove any rogue Facebook apps by going to Settings, accessing the Apps section, hovering over the suspicious app, and clicking the ‘X’ to uninstall it.
  • Conduct a thorough computer scan for malware using reputable tools such as Malwarebytes.

How to Spot the Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday – Red Flags and Warning Signs!

How to Spot the Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday
Source: quickflicker

Unrealistic Offers: Analyzing the Too-Good-to-Be-True Claim:

One of the key indicators of the Marlboro cigarette carton scam is the overly generous offer of 2 free cartons of cigarettes. Users should be wary of such unrealistic promotions and critically evaluate the legitimacy of any enticing giveaway.

Inconsistent Branding: Marlboro’s Official Stance:

Marlboro, a reputable brand, has not endorsed any such giveaway. Users can verify the authenticity of promotions by checking official brand channels and websites. Inconsistencies in branding and messaging can serve as a red flag for potential scams.

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The Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday Mechanism:

The Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday Mechanism
Source: livemint

Breaking Down the Scammer’s Playbook:

Understanding the mechanics of the scam is crucial. The scam lures users into sharing the deceptive webpage and clicking on certain elements, initiating a chain of actions that lead them to third-party survey-scam websites. Unraveling this deception can empower users to recognize and avoid falling victim to similar ploys.

The Scammer’s Ultimate Goal In Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday:

The primary objective of the scam is to phish personal information. Users should be aware of the potential consequences, including identity theft and unauthorized use of their Facebook accounts. Recognizing the scam’s focus on acquiring personal data is key to preventing further exploitation.

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Safeguarding Your Online Presence Frome Scams like “Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday”

Safeguarding Your Online Presence Frome Scams like “Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday”
Source: quickflicker

Changing and Strengthening Your Credentials:

Implementing strong, unique passwords and regularly updating them enhances security. Empower users with step-by-step guidance on modifying their passwords within the Facebook settings.

Identifying and Removing Suspicious Applications:

Users should actively monitor and manage their Facebook apps. This involves identifying suspicious or unauthorized applications, understanding their risks, and promptly removing them. This proactive approach contributes to a more secure online experience.

Conducting Comprehensive Malware Scans:

Recognizing that the scam may extend beyond Facebook, users should conduct comprehensive malware scans on their devices. Recommending reputable tools like Malwarebytes ensures a thorough examination, helping users detect and remove potential threats.

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Frequently Asked Questions: 

1. Is Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday Safe?

No, it’s a scam! Marlboro is not celebrating its 110th birthday with free cartons. The claim is false, and sharing the deceptive link can lead to trouble.

2. How Does the Scam “Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday” Work?

Scammers trick you into sharing a fake webpage, promising free cigarettes. But it’s a trap! The webpage takes you to fake surveys, trying to steal your info.

3. Can I Trust the “Get 2-Free” Offer on Facebook?

No! Marlboro has not endorsed this offer. Be cautious; scammers use fake promotions to exploit users. Trust official sources for genuine offers.

4. What Should I Do If I’ve Shared the Deceptive Page Of Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday?

Change your Facebook password immediately! Remove any unknown apps in your settings. Stay safe and warn friends about the scam.

5. How Can I Avoid Falling for Similar Scams in the Future Like Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton To Celebrate 110th Birthday?

Stay skeptical of too-good-to-be-true offers. Verify promotions on official websites. Think twice before sharing, and always prioritize your online safety!


The “Get 2-Free Marlboro Cigarette Carton” scam is a deceptive plot exploiting Facebook users with false promises of free cigarettes. Marlboro has not endorsed this offer, and falling victim to the fraud poses risks such as compromised accounts and phishing attacks. 

Users can protect their online safety by staying vigilant, avoiding suspicious links, and following security measures. Always prioritize caution over enticing offers, ensuring a secure digital experience in the face of deceptive schemes.

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